Vienna was spectacular! We spent the fist day visiting Lucy and Heinz's family. Their grandkids are absolutely adorable!
We also had a fabulous meal of traditional Austrian schnitzel at a restaurant overlooking the city.
We spent the second day at Schonbrum palace where we saw 44 rooms and got the entire history of the Hapsburg empire which was fascinating. Then we got lost in the maze outside in the nicely manicured gardens. They're not as fun to play in as they seem in the movies! We got lost and tired!
Lucy showed us some childhood pictures of Haig's mom and her in Syria which we hadn't seen before.
Finally, we checked out the Andrea Chenier opera which we loved. Thanks Lucy and Heinz for your hospitality!
After a long flight spent watching 3.5 movies (the last one was cut off since we were landing) and very little sleep, we made it home. After the uncomfortable overnight bus and train trips, the plane was luxurious!
This is our last blog. On our trip, we learned a lot about other cultures, got to visit with family, got a glimpse into charity work in Armenia, and learned a lot about ourselves and each other. Thank you for your comments and for sharing this very special trip with us. We're very fortunate to have such great people in our lives.
-Kar and Haig